
Drawing is essential to anyone seeking to translate three-dimensional perceptional information to a two-dimensional surface. Drawing is a basic must for any further mediums.

Drawing classes are $40 per class, all materials are provided. Classes are by appointment only.

Age 10+ are 1 1/2 hours long. Monday-Saturday 10-12, 12:30-2:30 and 3-5.

Classes Offered

Perceptual drawing – Learning to see, how to use pencils to capture light, shadow, texture and form. The basics of contour, perspective and visual impression. Drawing with an emphasis on progressive skill development. No matter where you are in your skills with a pencil, drawing from observation will enhance one’s ability to accurately record visual perception and understanding of spatial representation.

Ink & Charcoal,

Colored Pencil

Human study in life drawing, portraits and action figures.

All classes are prescheduled and prepaid. Classes not cancelled 3 days in advanced will not be refunded. Earlier you let us know the sooner we can let other students know of the opening.